Zeiss Humphrey Matrix 800 Visual Field Analyzer

This unit is in excellent condition

Newest model from Zeiss
Humphrey Matrix® 800 for early visual field loss detection
Proven to find early visual field loss. Quickly. Easily.
Connects to office networks, EHRs, and FORUM®.
Frequency Doubling Technology detects damage to the M-cells, a subset of ganglion cells
Large, age-related normative database.
Fast and easy to use no darkened room required.
No trial lenses or eye patches are required.**
Fits in any practice compact and portable.
Offers reports similar to those of the Humphrey HFA
Using DICOM, or you can export JPEG or PDF files via the USB port to a PC or EHR.

Package includes:
Humphrey Matrix 800 unit, chin rest/keyboard tray, keyboard with inbuilt mouse, patient response button, calibration cap, user manual (USB) and power cord.

Shipping Details: FedEx Ground