Pre-Owned Reichert RK600 Autorefractor/Keratometer
The RK600 is compact and lightweight. It incorporates a thermal printer with automatic paper cutting to provide hard copy printouts of results. It is fully refurbished and ready to get to work for you!
A comfortable chin rest and headrest, familiar joystick control, and automatic measurement modes make the RK600 easy for any operator to use and comfortable for any patient being measured.
The RK600 is also extremely accurate. Independent testing on human subjects comparing the RK600 against other autorefractors, and against subjective refraction values, demonstrated that the RK600 is as accurate as autorefractors that sell for thousands of dollars more
Contact lens measurement
Pupil distance measurement
LCD color monitor and menu screen settings
Wide measurement range
Fast and easy measurement
Kerato-peripheral measurement
2.3 mm minimum pupil diameter and 3-step target light adjustment
IOL Measurement